DIY Lip Balm

Many lip balms out there contain ingredients that can be harmful to your skin and lips causing more damage. Isn’t the reason you use lip balm is to help with chapped lips? Why cause more damage by using a product claiming to do just that?

You could go out and buy an all natural lip balm and lip balm that doesn’t contain phenol, menthol, salicylic acid, vitamin e or alcohol. Or you could just make your own!

It’s really easy and only takes a few ingredients. Ingredients you may already have!


Coconut Oil

Petroleum Jelly


A pack of kool-aid {yes, Kool-aid!!} in any color {we used cherry}

Small container for the lip balm. I found mine at Forever21; they came in a beauty kit with some bottles in a cute bag. Even came with a funnel!

Shave one tablespoon of beeswax into a microwave safe bowl

Add 4 tablespoons coconut oil and 4 tablespoons of petroleum jelly

Heat in microwave for about 45 seconds or until melted

Mix in as little or as much of the kool-aid as youd like until dissolved. We used cherry, but as you can tell, it turned it a nice plum color. We got it for flavor purposes more-so than color preference.

Pour into the container and let set for a couple hours. Or put in the fridge for about an hour. Then use and enjoy!

The containers came with cute little spatulas too.

Loving the plum color too! When you apply the lip balm there is a slight hint of the color.

I added a cute little label to them

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