September Sew Swap Linky Party

Oh, I am so excited for this post! I cannot wait to see all the link ups!

Sew Swap

Last month I hosted a Sew Swap and had such a blast with it. It was the first Swap I had ever hosted and participated in and once I started I just couldn’t stop. I signed up for two more swaps last month too! A Pen Pal Swap and a Toddler Busy Bag Swap. So much fun! We had 50 people participate and among those 50 were two kiddos and one guy! Awesome! Such a great turn out.

I was assigned to sew for Mary Kate of The Bubby Files. I sent her a cute little felt owl plushie made from serger scraps, a little letter needle book, and four fabric scraps. The needle book was hard to giveaway because I used some of my favorite fabrics!

I sure hope Mary Kate enjoyed her items!

The person sewing for me sent me some amazing items! The purse is fantastic and I love me some chevron fabric. Not to mention having in possession teal bias tape. So awesome!

Amazing, right?

I had sew much fun organizing this, sewing my items, and seeing all the #sewswap items up on Instagram so far.

All through out the month I kept checking up on Instagram under #sewswap and kept getting excited at all the posts!

Here are some photos shared with me from ladies who don’t have a blog, but still wanted to show what they received..

Mary sent over some photos of a tote and two bookmarks that she sewed for Jennet as well as what she received from Crystal

Jennifer B sent over what she received from Elizabeth

And Holly sent over a photo of a lovely floral credit card holder from Mariah at BraggAboutCreations

Thanks for the photos ladies!

If you participated in the Sew Swap and have blogged about the fun, link up! I can’t wait to see what everyone sent and received!